Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Boxes Are Out

All the boxes are out in the classrooms, library, computer lab, and office for recycled paper. We have done one collection of paper to be taken to the Willard Recycling Center.

Science Olympiad Preparation

We prepared for several weeks for the PCL Science Olympiad. We competed in toothpick bridge building, straw tower, straw rockets, Cell Biology/Genetics testing, Astronomy testing, aluminum boat float, puff mobile, Anatomy testing, Chemistry testing, Weather testing, catapults, experimental design, picture this, write-it-do-it, and egg drop. Results will be posted soon. We took 22 students to Fair Play High School on October 26th. Here are some preparation pictures of the work the students did prior to the competition.

Chemistry Gets Colorful

Chemistry gets colorful as we explore unknown metal ions using flame tests to identify the unknowns. We are discussing the electromagnetic spectrum and how electrons are excited to produce colors unique to the element.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Recycling Project

The 2010-2011 Science Club is taking on the project of recycling paper. We have made boxes and will be distributing them to all junior high and high school classes as well as the office, computer lab, and library. We will periodically collect them and take all the gathered paper to the Willard Recycling Center. The students in science club will rotate the responsibility of collecting the paper from the boxes. They are all green boxes to remind everyone to GO GREEN! We can do our part by tossing in any paper products. Nothing special has to be done to them, just toss it in the box. So anytime you have scrap paper, newspapers, mis-copies, etc (the list of accepted products is affixed to each box) we can do our part by recycling it. Look for the green box and GO GREEN at Walnut Grove!

Periodic Pumpkins

The chemistry class wanted to celebrate fall with some periodic poster carving in pumpkins. Check out what we did and how they turned out!    
Josh and Tyler scoop pumpkin goop

Dallas working hard to draw his periodic poster on his pumpkin before carving

Zoila drawing out her periodic details for her element

Kateline paying close attention to detail when placing her marks

Look at them glow

Dallas loved his pumpkin

Zoila proud of her work

Ethan had a particularly fond bond with this his Neon Pumpkin