Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Biology 1 Goes Cellular

 Technology is branching over to the classroom as we utilized blogs to complete a 4 part Cell Exploration on the WEB! Each student had to individually research and complete their research guide on the organelles of a cell and their functions. They then had to utilize specific programs and formatting techniques to create Organelle Trading Cards with each organelles picture and information on them. They could then partner up to take the cell structures to the next level. They had to think of analogies for the organelles of the cell and create either a brochure or powerpoint explaining how the cell compared to a city or a school. They had to find things in the city or school that would perform the same function as the organelle does in the cell and explain how they are similar. Then they had to create a 3D model of their cell completing function guides and ID keys. Here are some pics of the models.

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